We cannot let the NY Observer Die!! It is a superior newspaper for NY lifestyle.
This article mocking 20-somethings for not understanding the financial crisis is proof of its inherent superiority. Let's compare it to the NY Times article from last May on the same issue.
First: the Observer obsequiously name-drops the editors of Blender and Lydia Hearst.
Second: it shows the true colors of NY's hipsters, wannabes, and Ithaca College Grads.
Third: it isn't contrived and does not claim to have discovered a 'new' subculture of people who dream about moving to NY by reading Bonfire of the Vanities.
Lastly: it is so quietly mocking that it is brilliant. By pretending to be straitlaced and "objective," it catches the subtleties and ignorance of being young in NY as well as demonstrates the stupidity of foreigners (that's 'foreigners' in the NY translated version which means among others: upstaters, Midwesterners, Southerners, Foreigners, and West Coasties. This list, of course, is by no means exclusive)
Here's a demonstration of superiority through case-studies included in both articles,
NY Times demonstrating the 'harsh' realities of City life: A boy earning a paltry' $60,000 a year eats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every day because he can't "afford" lunch.
NY Observer: A self-described 'artist' explains how a doctor was angered to have been put at the same table as her at a charity event, because his economic stature may not be what it used to be after the economic downturn. 'He was so totally insulted.'
Please, oh please, let us pray that the editor of the NY Observer was not correct when he said that if investors were not found by the end of this month that his magazine would be done for.
UPDATE: and by Observer, I meant NY Sun, which this article is not from..... the Hipster-ish Observer is fine and dandy.... the Sun in all its unmentioned glory is deceased.