Monday, May 26, 2008

RAPRAM!!!! David Bowie in ...well anything

One word, Labyrinth.

How the writers sold this concept to studio producers:
David Bowie dancing and singing in tight pants [dramatic pause] with muppets.

This movie needs no introducing, but I will give a 2 sentence refresher. Jennifer Connelly plays a babysitter who's child gets abducted by Mr. Bowie and taken to a magical land of singing muppets. I can't tell if such an experience would be traumatizing or simply life changing.

It is, at least, a felony under section 135 of the NY penal code. But, I'm sure after discovering both that most of the evidence exists only in a far off and mostly imaginary land and that Mr. Bowie is emperor of said land and thus falls under some type of sovereign immunity, no District Attorney would ever possibly want or hope to bring any charges (HA, there's my legal tie-in!)

Next Week, Klaus Nomi comes from outer space to save the human race.

For now: a trio among muppets, Bowie and a baby.

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