Sunday, April 20, 2008

Yet Another (Hopefully Witty) Try

Ok, its been a number of years since I have posted to my audience which doesn't even include my mom. Quick update, I am no longer in Georgetown or in DC. I'M in LAW SCHOOL, oh joy of joys.

And now, I am aiming to provide some info on something that has very little insight ... law school (I of course am saying that facetiously since law school students are the biggest gossips and paranoids in the world and probably have the most blogs, websites, sources of information next to techies, people obsessed with such things, and teenagers)

So as I restart my blog, I am also going to start a new segment: random actors in perfect roles in awesome movies.

4/20/2008: Kylie Minogue in Street Fighter: the Movie (the first one with Jean-Claude Van Damme, and Raul Julia)


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