Thursday, September 08, 2005

Update numero tres, I'm trying to figure out how to update a G-town website.......oh so much fun, catchya later kiddos, or if you're one of the 7 people ever to have visited my site (3 or 4 of which were probably myself) thank you.... I think

Monday, July 11, 2005

Summer update

Wow, it has only been like 6 months since I remembered that I had this thing Happy mid-summer!
So far my experience has consisted of working in my dad's law office, and counting down the days (only 7 to go) until i go to Italy, of course, to play my cello.

So far though....nothing real to report. So before you (my imaginary audience) heads off to what i hope are real, non-imaginary lives i bid you: Hoya Saxa, God Bless America, and "We're not afraid" (this being the British response to the Underground attacks).

Monday, February 14, 2005

Holy Crap

HOLY CRAP..... I have a blog!
Wow, that was was originial
This is actually my second attempt at a blog like page.... several years ago i fell pray to one of those "own your own domain"-schemes that was just an attempt to send spam

Thus, far I have no puropse to this wonderful piece of literature, but I hope to soon have something on here that people might care about (i'm sure this is also a very original piece of trype)

As for now, if you go to Georgetown University (WASHINGTON, DC none of that Georgetown Texas stuff, although that would be funny), or just share a penciant for the university, please feel free to make fun of me... I mean post